Participants at Nordisk Specialpedagogisk Conference can read about PUMA in English here and at a padlet wall – see below

PUMA means “material for examining new possibilities” and is has been developed to support the work with classes, groups and challenging children who need help to find new ways to cope. It is intended for working with relationships with a certain focus we in Denmark call AKT (behavior, contact, well-being). It is meant for special education and for inclusion projects as well.

Lots of Danish schools use PUMA already. In Silkeborg municipality the leaders chose to buy a copy for every single teacher, pedagogue, consultant and psychologist in the whole area as part of a large project with INCLUSION as the headline.

At the Faroe Islands PUMA is well-known as I have been teaching several teachers in the use of the material.

Read more: links to an interactive site, where you can find flyers, pictures and ask questions about PUMA in English Just double-click at the wall and you will be able to write a note or a comment!

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